"Cuando no me ve nadie, como ahora, gusto de imaginar, a veces, si no será la música la única respuesta posible para algunas preguntas." (Antonio Buero Vallejo).

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011



A partir de hoy, este logo aparecerá tanto en nuestro blog como en las redes sociales.
Queremos agradecer a su autora, nuestra compañera de Educación Plástica Silvia Soto.

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011


En el capítulo de hoy, Laura Paniagua, Mar González y Teresa Ordóñez, nos presentan músicas relacionadas con animales. Escucharemos fragmentos del Carnaval de los animales de Camile Saint-Saens, El vuelo del moscardón de N. Rimsky-Korsakov y El dúo de los gatos de G. Rossini.



En el capítulo de hoy, Fátima Mangas Rodao, nos cuenta las vivencias de su abuelo.


lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011


Hoy nos ha visitado en nuestro estudio el arqueólogo Fernando Valdés, doctor en Arqueología, profesor de Arqueología Árabe en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y responsable de la rehabilitación de la Alcazaba de Badajoz. Lo hemos entrevistado y ha mantenido una charla con los alumnos de 2º ESO sobre su especialidad.


viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011


Hoy nos ha visitado el poeta pacense Jaime Álvarez Buiza Diego en nuestro espacio de entrevistas. Con la presencia de los alumnos de 2º de Bachillerato del centro, el autor nos ha hablado de sus comienzos, su trayectoria literaria y sus influencias.


jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011


Adrián Calderón y Marta Rivera nos leen la historia tituladaThe Girl Monkey And The String Of Pearls

 en la segunda entrega de nuestras lecturas en inglés.


ONE day the king went for a long walk in the woods. When he came back to his own garden, he sent for his family to come down to the lake for a swim.
When they were all ready to go into the water, the queen and her ladies left their jewels in charge of the servants, and then went down into the lake.
As the queen put her string of pearls away in a box, she was watched by a Girl Monkey who sat in the branches of a tree near-by. This Girl Monkey wanted to get the queen's string of pearls, so she sat still and watched, hoping that the servant in charge of the pearls would go to sleep.
At first the servant kept her eyes on the jewel-box. But by and by she began to nod, and then she fell fast asleep.
[4] As soon as the Monkey saw this, quick as the wind she jumped down, opened the box, picked up the string of pearls, and quick as the wind she was up in the tree again, holding the pearls very carefully. She put the string of pearls on, and then, for fear the guards in the garden would see the pearls, the Monkey hid them in a hole in the tree. Then she sat near-by looking as if nothing had happened.
By and by the servant awoke. She looked in the box, and finding that the string of pearls was not there, she cried, "A man has run off with the queen's string of pearls."
Up ran the guards from every side.
The servant said: "I sat right here beside the box where the queen put her string of pearls. I did not move from the place. But the day is hot, and I was tired. I must have fallen asleep. The pearls were gone when I awoke."
The guards told the king that the pearls were gone.
"Find the man who stole the pearls," said the king. Away went the guards looking high and low for the thief.
After the king had gone, the chief guard said to himself:
"There is something strange here. These pearls," thought he, "were lost in the garden. There was a strong guard at the gates, so that no one from the outside could get into the garden. On the other hand, there are hundreds of [6] Monkeys here in the garden. Perhaps one of the Girl Monkeys took the string of pearls."
Then the chief guard thought of a trick that would tell whether a Girl Monkey had taken the pearls. So he bought a number of strings of bright-colored glass beads.
After dark that night the guards hung the strings of glass beads here and there on the low bushes in the garden. When the Monkeys saw the strings of bright-colored beads the next morning, each Monkey ran for a string.
But the Girl Monkey who had taken the queen's string of pearls did not come down. She sat near the hole where she had hidden the pearls.
The other Monkeys were greatly pleased with their strings of beads. They chattered to one another about them. "It is too bad you did not get one," they said to her as she sat quietly, saying nothing. At last she could stand it no longer. She put on the queen's string of pearls and came down, saying proudly: "You have only strings of glass beads. See my string of pearls!"
Then the chief of the guards, who had been hiding near-by, caught the Girl Monkey. He took her at once to the king.
"It was this Girl Monkey, your Majesty, who took the pearls."
[7] The king was glad enough to get the pearls, but he asked the chief guard how he had found out who took them.
The chief guard told the king that he knew no one could have come into the garden and so he thought they must have been taken by one of the Monkeys in the garden. Then he told the king about the trick he had played with the beads.
"You are the right man in the right place," said the king, and he thanked the chief of the guards over and over again.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011


Como os habíamos prometido, hoy nos ha visitado el cantaor extremeño Pedro Cintas. No te pierdas este encuentro en el que el sentimiento, la emoción y el duende del flamenco nos ha hecho vibrar. Todos conocemos la extraordinaria calidad artística del maestro, pero hoy descubrimos su faceta más humana.

Audio con más calidad:


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011


Mañana, día 23 de noviembre, nos visita todo un maestro. Se trata del cantaor de la Albuera Pedro Cintas. 
Estaremos en directo a partir de las 9:45 horas de la mañana.

¿Quieres hacerle alguna pregunta? Deja tus comentarios en nuestro blog o en la página de Facebook.

Aquí os dejamos un adelanto del genio del cantaor extremeño en tierras almerienses.



Comenzamos hoy con la serie de grabaciones que vamos a publicar sobre vidas de personajes anónimos, personas comunes, en muchos casos muy cercanas a nosotros. Empezaremos con trabajos de alumnos y alumnas de 3º de ESO hechos en la materia de Lengua con la profesora Elana Alfonso.

Hoy escucharemos la voz de Libertad Sánchez Amador a través de su nieta Milagros Alcántara.

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


En Radiobachiller estamos dispuestos a ayudarte con el Inglés. Sabemos los problemas que tenemos muchos españoles con este idioma (no hay más que escuchar la cabecera de nuestro programa).

Nos internacionalizamos con las historias que nos algunos de nuestros mejores alumnos con la lengua de Shakespeare.

Escuacha hoy la gración que nos propone Fátima  González Testón y léela después.

Ir a descargar

I am a city girl at heart. I’ve never milked a cow – have no interest.

I was shocked when I attended my first “pig pickin’ ” after my husband and I moved to North Carolina from Boston. I had to avert my eyes from the huge pig, skin and head on, insides chopped and splayed open across an entire 12-foot long table.

“Y’all in duh country naw, girl,” the host told me happily, apparently thrilled to be the one to indoctrinate me into country living.

When, at 8 months pregnant, I volunteered to chaperone my son’s strawberry picking field trip, the other mothers looked at me strangely. I thought strawberries grew on tall bushes, not low to the ground. All that squatting sent me into early labor.

So, it is with this in mind that you must understand my attitude when I heard a “huge hurricane” was headed toward Rocky Mount. I thought back to my days growing up in Philadelphia, when snow storms where coming – “20 inches”-- never to materialize.

A long checklist ran in the local newspaper of things townspeople should get to prepare for the hurricane. My neighbor, Wayne, made a point of giving me a copy since he knew I was new to town. I took acursory glance and thought nothing more of it.

While my neighbors were running around taping their windows, getting fresh batteries and prepping their generators, I was, quite literally, sitting in my glass house playing with the kids on the floor.

The rains started at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. This was, to my amazement, exactly what the weatherman had predicted.

These were no ordinary rains, either. From my glass living room, I could no longer see the front lawn or the trees. The rain was as thick as a woolen curtain. My husband’s car began floating out of the driveway by nightfall. The water, so insidious, began creeping up our front steps, overturning our potted plants and benches.

“This is unbelievable!” I yelled. I reached for the phone to dial Wayne. He had been born and raised in these parts, and surely, he would know what to do.

“Wayne,” I said worriedly into the receiver. “The water is coming up our front steps. It’s almost to our door!”

“Ours too,” he said, quite calmly, I thought, given the circumstances.

“What should I do?”

“Put out your sandbags. It will keep the water out as long as it doesn’t get too high.”


“You didn’t get any? They were on the list,” he asked in disbelief.

No, I hadn’t.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011


Súbete a nuestro viaje virtual por los pueblos rayanos y la cultura portuguesa. Asómate con nosotros a los rincones más sorprendentes, degusta su gastronomía, disfruta de sus libros, conoce sus gustos, sus instituciones culturales, sus particularidades lingüísticas y todos los aspectos que desconocemos muchos españoles del país vecino.

En esta primera entrega hablamos de conceptos generales de la cultura portuguesa y de su lengua, viajamos, de la mano de Elena Blázquez, a Marvâo y allí desgustamos el famoso Porco à Alentejana.

En el próximo episodio, hablaremos con la responsable de la Biblioteca de Elvas, Tânia Rico y nos asomaremos a otros lugares con mucho interés.

Muito obrigado pela sua atençâo.




Intervienen: Ana María Núñez, Alba Abela, Laura Abela.
Colabora: Elena Blázquez.
Coordina y dirige: Francisco Javier Rodríguez


Fotografías: Francisco Javier Rodríguez 




Volvemos a emitir los mejores éxitos en Radiobachiller para animaros en este fin de semana con tanto estudio.


Nuestras chicas de informativos dan un repaso a lo más importante de las noticias de esta turbulenta semana. Os dejamos el audio de nuestro informativo.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011


Nuestras chicas de lo "mejor de la semana" nos ponen música y con vuestras declaraciones. 
Os esperamos el próximo lunes 21 de noviembre a partir de las 12:20 horas de la mañana.

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011


En la entrega de hoy, Ana Espino, Marina González y Alicia Gómez, nos proponen la audición de tres obras muy conocidas de autores tan dispares como Albinoni, Pachelbel y Chopin.

!Disfruta de los clásicos con Radiobachiller!

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011


A partir de hoy, los alumnos de 2º de ESO nos proponen pequeños espacios para escuchar audiciones de música culta básica.
En el programa de hoy ha sonado la música de Mozart, Bach y Paganini.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011


Montserrat Caldeira, por el PSOE y Manoli Sancho, por el PP se enfrentan hoy en Radiobachiller en un cara a cara.
Lo hemos dividido en dos episodios. Escúchalos a continuación.



jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011


Las chicas de Radiobachiller, Ana María, Alba y Laura nos cuentan las principales noticias del día.

Os recordamos que mañana, a partir de las 9:45 horas, emitiremos un especial "DEBATE ELECCIONES 20N" en el que participarán tres representantes de PSOE, PP e IU.

Os esperamos y agradecemos vuestra atención.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011


Nuestras locutoras hacen un repaso a la actualidad con las portadas de los principales diarios nacionales.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011


Progrma de noticias diario con nuestras secciones habituales: intenacionales, política nacional, economía, locales, deportes y hoy viernes especial cine con las películas más vistas de esta semana.

Escucha nuestro especial de cine:


miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011


En nuestro espacio de "Encuentros" de hoy, entrevistamos a los responsables de la radio de las Escuelas Pías de Zaragoza.